Transitioning Adults

Transitioning adults are those who typically fall between the ages of late teens to early to mid-20's. The common goal at this transitional stage is to detach from our family of origin while creating a sense of self outside of our family system. This can be a challenging stage for everyone involved, both parents and their young adult. It is almost like a late phase of adolescents because it can feel like a roller coaster ride at times.

Usually a young adult is struggling with who they are supposed to be and what they are supposed to be doing in life. As we know, these questions are huge and take some time to process. It is easy to make a few wrong turns along the way.

Often young adults are still yearning for their parents understanding and unconditional love and support, even if the young adult is making decisions that are confusing and difficult to understand or accept. However, it is through this process that a young adult is able to create a sense of self because there is a safe and comfortable space to start this on-going process of adulthood.

Parents also will find the need to recreate and redefine some of their own sense of self because their role as mother or father is newly defined with a pending and ever changing definition.